
Knuckleheads Of Liberty

What s Bugging Leon?

Knuckleheads Tuesday March 26, 2024

Topics: Political Derangement Environmental Derangement Trump Derangement Playing Out in the Courts KNP: MSNBC Has Identified the Biggest Threat to Democracy; “White Rural Rage

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RFK Jr 2024? Three-Way Races and Higher Ed Decline with Cecil Bohanon

admin Tuesday March 12, 2024

In this episode of The Knuckleheads of Liberty, we talk to Cecil Bohanon, a professor of economics at Ball State University, about the prospects of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. running as an independent candidate for the 2024 presidential election. We also discuss the history and implications of three-way (or more) races in American politics, and the challenges facing higher education, especially at second-tier universities. Tune in for a lively and informative conversation with one of the leading experts on public policy and political economy.

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School Choice, DEI, and Google’s Gemini AI: What You Need to Know with Larry Sands

Knuckleheads Tuesday February 27, 2024

In this episode of Knuckleheads of Liberty, we talk to Larry Sand about the state of education in America.

We discuss how school choice is advancing across the nation, and why public schools are failing to meet the needs of our kids. We also explore how California schools rank compared to other states, and what challenges they face with diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.

Finally, we examine the controversy surrounding Google’s Gemini AI, which has been accused of creating historically inaccurate and biased images. Tune in to hear our candid and critical conversation.

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Knuckleheads Interview Jim Lakely

Knuckleheads Tuesday February 27, 2024

In this episode, we interview Jim Lakely of The Heartland Institute, We discuss the Heartland study on voter fraud, which claims that one in five mail-in voters in the 2020 US presidential election admit to cheating in some way. We also talk about the recent wave of protests by farmers across the EU, who are angry about the environmental policies and regulations imposed by the EU and the World Economic Forum (WEF).

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Knuckleheads Of Liberty Parents’ Rights with David DeLugas

Knuckleheads Tuesday February 13, 2024

In this episode, we talk to David DeLugas, the executive director and founder of ParentsUSA, a national association that advocates for the rights of parents to raise their children as they see fit, without undue interference from the state or other parties. David shares his insights on some of the recent legal cases and challenges that parents face in the US, such as the Idaho Supreme Court decision that struck down a statute allowing grandparent visitation over the objections of fit parents, and the Maryland case where the attorney general argued that parents have no fundamental right to educate their children. We also discuss the importance of parental rights for the well-being of children and society, and how ParentsUSA works to educate, support, and empower parents across the country.

Tune in to hear more about this fascinating and timely topic, and don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review our podcast. Thanks for listening!

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Lines in the Sand and Censorship

Knuckleheads Thursday February 8, 2024

This episode covers Texas’ border standoff with the federal government, and the heroes who exposed government censorship and spying. Tune in to Knuckleheads of Liberty for more.

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The Truth They Don’t Want You to Know

Knuckleheads Thursday January 25, 2024

In this episode of Knuckleheads of Liberty, we expose the dark side of the media and the government that are trying to silence the voices of truth and freedom. We pay tribute to Gonzalo Lira, the brave journalist who was assassinated by the CIA for revealing their illegal spying activities on American citizens. We also show you how the media censored President Trump’s historic victory speech in Iowa. And we take a trip down memory lane to remember how Biden tried to create a Ministry of Truth to control the information and brainwash the people. Don’t miss this explosive episode that will make you question everything you see and hear!

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Diagnosis DEI - How Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Destroy America

Knuckleheads Saturday January 20, 2024

In this episode of Knuckleheads of Liberty, we take a hard look at the latest trends and controversies surrounding diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives in various sectors of society. We discuss how DEI grants privilege to certain groups at the expense of others, especially at elite institutions like Harvard. We also examine how the government is imposing unhinged DEI policies that threaten our freedom and security. Finally, we expose how California Governor Gavin Newsom is defying the Supreme Court’s ruling on the right to bear arms by creating new gun-free zones that violate the Second Amendment. Join us as we expose the hypocrisy, absurdity, and danger of the DEI agenda.

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California’s Free Health Care for Migrants and Kimmel’s Comedy Fail

Knuckleheads Friday January 12, 2024

In this episode of Knuckleheads Of Liberty, we discuss the latest news and views from the land of the free and the home of the brave. We talk about how California is planning to offer free health care to migrants, despite being in a sea of debt and facing waves of migrants crashing at its borders. We also debate whether the socialist dream of universal basic income will ever become a reality, and what it would mean for the economy and society. Finally, we have some fun with our Knucklehead Noise Patrol segment, where we roast late night host Jimmy Kimmel for his inability to take a joke and his hypocrisy on various issues. Tune in for some laughs, insights, and knuckleheadery!

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Knuckleheads of Liberty Mickey Mouse and Trump’s Treason

Knuckleheads Monday January 8, 2024

In this episode of Knuckleheads of Liberty, we tackle some of the hottest issues of the day, from the fate of Mickey Mouse to the future of the US presidency. Join us as we discuss:

Steamboat Mickey Just Sailed Into the Public Domain: Are Our Mickey Mouse IP Laws Really Necessary? We examine the history and impact of the Mickey Mouse Protection Act, which extended the term of copyright protection for decades, and debate whether it stifled creativity or preserved cultural icons.

KNP: Trump’s Big Mouth: Much Ado About Nothing or An Endless Liability? We react to the latest outbursts by former President Donald Trump, who has accused his former aides, media outlets, and political opponents of treason, and question whether his rhetoric is harmless or harmful to the country and democracy.

2024 Knucklehead Predictions. We wrap up the show with our bold and outrageous predictions for the next presidential election, featuring candidates from both major parties and some wild cards.

Don’t miss this episode of Knuckleheads of Liberty, where we bring you the news and views from a libertarian perspective. Subscribe, rate, and review us on your favorite podcast platform, and follow us on social media for more updates and insights.

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